Immaculate Heart of Mary, Ora pro nobis.

This blog is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in reparation for all the sins committed against Her Most Pure Heart. May Her Immaculate Heart draw us closer to Her Divine Son, Our Most Precious Lord.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Oh, Beautiful Lady, Why Do You Weep?

     A day or two ago, I stumbled across a blog of some really amazing political cartoons by Me & Folly.  They have some great conservative political commentary through their cartoons over on their blog.  Check it out, here.  Just the other day, they posted this cartoon, in honor of the re-election of President Barack Obama.

Here she sits, Lady Liberty, an icon of our great nation, weeping in sorrow over what this election might mean for the United States.  And as shocking and representative as this image is in the outcome of this past election, let me offer you another image, of greater significance to compare.

This photograph is a picture of the statue of Our Blessed Mother in La Salette, France on the site where she appeared to two little children, Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud, on September 19, 1846.  According to the children, they found this Beautiful Lady weeping in Her hands.  She wept the entire time she spoke to the children.  Why was this Beautiful Lady weeping so?  She was crying for Her children, Our Lord's children, because we have become so lost and have turned so far away from Our Lord.  She was weeping because She knew that Our Lord was going to punish us for our disobedience, for our rejection of His Commandments, and for our loss of love and faith.  She knew and She came to warn us.  What She had to say to these little children has gone mostly unheeded, except for a few.  What She warned would come to pass has been all but dismissed and, in recent years, redefined.  The leaders in the Catholic Church haven't wanted you to hear Our Mother for fear that you might "worry" or become "overburdened."  Well, American Catholics, it's too late now.  Our Lady Liberty weeps now because she is finally realizing that what Our Blessed Mother said is true.  If you don't know what Our Blessed Mother said, or if you aren't sure of the significance of it, I'll clarify it here.

     When Our Mother appeared on the Alps in Southern France in 1846, she spoke very seriously and sweetly with these two little, poor, uneducated children.  She gave them messages to take back to the bishops of the Church and secrets to be revealed only when She wanted them to be known.  Many of the messages Our Blessed Mother told the children were very disturbing.  In these messages, Our Lady warned that the whole world would suffer loss of faith, decline of morals, waging of war after war, poverty, and devastation.  While most of her messages have to do with France and the French Revolution in the 1850s, She made some dire predictions that would effect the entire world.  And while some priests and religious have continued to discredit what Our Mother said to little Melanie in the fields that day, I am inclined to believe the entire message.  And while there is much to read in Our Lady of LaSalette's messages, I specifically want to highlight something that applies to our times, in our beloved United States, and in the Modern Catholic Church.  After that, you can read Our Lady's messages and decide for yourself if what she said is true or not.

In the year 1864 Lucifer, together with a great number of devils, will be loosed from hell; little by little they will abolish the faith, and that even in persons consecrated to God; they will so blind them, that without a special grace, these persons will take on the spirit of these evil angels; a number of religious houses will lose the faith entirely and cause many souls to be damned.

     Why in the heavens would Our Blessed Mother mention the year 1864?  It seems like such an arbitrary number, doesn't it?  But a pretty quick search of history, reveals that 1864 was pretty significant for the Devil's work.  It was this year, that the Communist Karl Marx, in political exile in England, was able to exert his influence through the International Working Men's Association.  Where he had previously been isolated and ostracized, Karl Marx, through his journalism experience, was able to draft and launch a platform that would eventually become what we know as Communism.  In September of 1864, workers from across Europe met and organized to address the political and social plight of the working class.  And it was through this newly founded organization that Marx's was able to frame his political and social ideas in a way that seemed positive and hopeful.  He drafted his platform and set it in motion in his Inaugural Address, and thus, as Our Lady foretold, a great number of devils were loosed from hell.  

     That evil, repugnant, godless philosophy called Communism has many names, most specifically Socialism but one you may not have heard of---Communitarianism.  Communism has all but taken root in the entire world, and now, under another term of President Barack Obama, Socialism is set to become the new norm in the United States of America.  Oh, sure.  You've heard people proclaim that Communism is dead.  They will jump up and down insisting that Communism died with the last thud of the bricks from the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  Oh, Catholics will tell you that Pope John Paul II dedicated his Papacy to dismantling Communism.  These same people will tell you that Ronnie Reagan and Maggie Thatcher tirelessly and doggedly forced an end to that vile social, economic, and political system called Communism.  But they are all wrong.  Communism is not dead.  Communism lives on and it continues to invest every nation and every institution on earth, including the Catholic Church, just as Our Blessed Mother said it would.

     So pay attention my dear American Catholics!  Each year, our nation grows more and more socialistic in practice.  Almost half of American citizens depend on the government to do something for them:  Social Security, food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, student loans, public schools, school lunches, day care subsidies, unemployment, disability.  Each year the programs grow and the people become less dependent on themselves and their families and more dependent on the government.  And there is nothing to be done.  The train has left the station, folks, and it ain't gonna stop until individuals have lost their personal sovereignty.  But of course, every American knows this.  And that is why there was so much backlash against another Obama term.  And who helped him get re-elected?  Why, the Catholics, of course!

    You see, just as Our Blessed Mother told little Melanie and Maximin, the priests, bishops, and religious will slowly become infected with the Communist spirit that they will lose the faith entirely and souls will be damned!  Once upon a time, Popes defended the Church from evil.  In 1878, Pope Leo XIII condemned the rising ideas of communism in Quod Apostolici Muneris.  He was certainly not trying to play nice when he called the socialists and communists a "wicked confederacy."  He exposed their plan for all to see--the overthrow of civil society.  He showed us how they work.  He condemned their ideas: refusal to acknowledge God, absolute equality of all men in rights and duties, sexual freedom, greed, materialism, and their assaults on the natural right of property.  Not only did Pope Leo XIII condemn the evil scourge of communism, he also forbid Catholics from becoming involved in any organization that promoted such ideas. In fact, Pope Leo XIII recognized that the ONLY defense against the spread of communism across the world was the One True Church:  Since they know that the Church of Christ has such power to ward off the plague of socialism as cannot be found in human laws, in the mandates of magistrates, or in the force of armies, let them restore that Church to the condition and liberty in which she may exert her healing force for the benefit of society. 

     But is the Catholic Church speaking like this now when socialism is running rampant throughout society and beginning to take root in the United States?  Nope.  Instead she is busy bringing the cause of sainthood forward for Communists!!  Just today, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops lead by the ever jovial Cardinal Dolan announced that they intend to canonize Dorothy Day, the communist turned communitarianist.  In case, you have never heard of Dorothy Day, let me share with you a few things I discovered on my own.

     Dorothy Day was born in New York at the turn of the 20th century.  She spent her 20s roaring through the 20s and embracing every feminist ideal that was popular in her day.  She had multiple sexual relationships, an unwed pregnancy, and an abortion.  She had been a nude model and was a member of the American Socialist Party.  She was a journalist, a peace activist during WWI, and a champion for women's suffrage.  She is by all signs, a model for modern women feminism.  It was perhaps her daughters illegitimate birth that led Ms. Day to her "personal" conversion, as she had her daughter baptized a Catholic.  In 1932, she met up with a man who shared her cause and together they established a newspaper called the Catholic Worker, which became a vehicle for her to promote her ideas regarding Catholic social justice.  Throughout her life and career, Dorothy Day, through her newspaper, which later became a movement, she continued to criticize the capitalist economic system, she supported the rising trade unions which were calling for worker's equality, she challenged the Catholic Church to embrace pacifism, and she insisted that Our Lord's teaching was one of non-violence and peace.  She spent her life leading causes such as ending nuclear war, opposition to WWII and Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, and working with Cesar Chavez' United Farm Workers.  In short, throughout her entire life, Dorothy Day, in spite of claiming she had a conversion, continued to live, embody, and promote socialist ideals.  In fact, I don't believe she ever recanted her communist beliefs or apologized for her actions even until her death in 1980.

     Some say that Ms. Day was no longer a communist, that she did a great service for the Church, especially the poor.  But I say this is purely an attempt to mislead Catholics.  In fact, let me share with you her own words from her own newspaper in 1948:

To see only the good, the Christ, in others!  Perhaps if we thought of how Karl Marx was called "Papa Marx" by all the children on the street, if we knew and remembered how he told fairy stories to his children, how he suffered hunger and poverty and pain, how he sat by the body of his dead child and had no money for coffin or funeral, perhaps such thoughts as these would make us love him and his followers.  Dear God, for the memory of that dead child, of that faithful wife, grant his stormy spirit a "place of refreshment, light, and peace."
And there was Lenin.  He hungered and thirsted and at times he had no fixed abode.  Mme. Krupskaya, his widow, said that he loved to go into the peace of the pine woods and hunt mushrooms like old Mrs. Dew down at Easton did, and we with her one October.  He lived one time in the slums of Paris, and he lived on horse meat when he had meat, and he started schools for the poor and the workers.  "He went about doing good."  (For reference see this link.)

    Here is your new saint, modern Catholics!  Your new saint has told you to forget about the millions of CATHOLICS who were slaughtered by the Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin.  Is that the good he went about doing, Ms. Day?  Are we supposed to forget about it the repression, the gulags, the forced migration?  Are you so blind, Catholic faithful, that you cannot see what Our Lady of LaSalette warned you about your bishops and priests???

     Just as this is a dark day for the United States of America, this is an even darker day for the Catholic Church.  Yes, Our Lady is weeping.  She is weeping because their is nothing left for us to do.  The devil has been unleashed.  The Catholic Church, who once stood in armor battling evil, particularly communism in all its forms, is now either silent or embracing the very evil itself!  Our Lord is going to punish us very severely and soon.  The United States and the Catholic Church are about to suffer the same fate---we are all about to be chastised.  What can us Americans do to prepare for the economic and social depravity we are about to face at the hands of our socialist government?  Stock up on food and supplies.  Keep some cash on hand.  Find a safe place to go when it all comes crashing down.  What can Catholics do to prepare for God's wrath over the desecration of His Altars and the loss of faith of His holy priests?  Find a True Mass.  Wear Our Lady's Scapular.  Pray a daily Rosary as Our Lady of Fatima told us.  Keep your family close.  There is nothing left for us to do.

    May God have mercy on the United States and on His faithful Catholics!

     Our Lady of LaSalette, pray for us!


  1. I posted a careful, honest, thoughtful reply earlier. I'm saddened that religion prevented you from having the honesty to allow it.

    Please read the entire Bible, not just the bits that other people want you to read. You will find it doesn't say what you think it does. This is why Christianity has splintered into about 800 variations, each of which is absolutely convinced it is the only one that is correct, and why it is dying out, along with all other religions.

    1. Miriam-e, I read your comment from earlier and decided, as is my prerogative, not to publish it. Since you seem bothered by that, I will respond. I have had the pleasure of living all across this great nation of ours and a foreign country. I can assure that the last place you want to live is in a nation that doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Our founders were not atheists as you suggest, rather they were Deists and Freemasons. That commentary is for another blog on another day. Since I am a Catholic convert, you can tell me very little I don't already know about the multitude of Christian denominations and their belief systems. One really good study of the history of Christianity will show you just how they came to be...all of them are man-made save one, at that is the Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. We have abortion, murder, rape, death, torture, sickness, destruction, and hate in this world because we have sin. Nothing more and nothing less. It's a horrible condition, and the point of my blog. Christianity is dying simply because everyone believes they are their own God and not in need of the True One. In the future, however, please be so kind as not to presume that your interpretation of the Bible is correct or sufficient. Thanks for stopping by my blog anyway.

  2. Thank you for allowing my reply, and I am very grateful for your response. I completely agree with your statement that "We have abortion, murder, rape, death, torture, sickness, destruction, and hate in this world because we have sin."

    What I find interesting is that those sins have been declining as religion does. There is a direct correlation between levels of those and other sins and the amount of religion in any society. The more religious a society (it doesn't matter what religion -- Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Hindu, Muslim, etc) rates of all those human ills are higher in religious societies and significantly lower in atheist societies. Catholic societies in particular have some of the highest murder and abortion rates in the world. Surely, we would expect sins to be lower in religious societies.

    I understand how people who have religion find this difficult or even impossible to hear. I honestly apologise if it causes you any distress. I truly am trying to help. Your blog indicates that your religion is fostering much fear and hate in you. This is one of the leading causes of the awful statistics for religious places. Thankfully, as religion decreases around the world it is becoming a more peaceful and moral place. I hope you come to enjoy it more. My very best wishes to you.

  3. Dear Miriam,
    Generally, it is not good practice to engage ones critics, as they are not interested in true dialogue but rather a refutation of thesis. If you wish to continue to believe that atheism is positive goal for all societies to achieve, then that is certainly your prerogative. You are not alone in that desire, and I suspect that goal will be achieved rather quickly in terms of history.

    What atheists define as sins, or even Protestants for that matter, are often quite separate from what sins really are. Secular societies may have fewer abortions, but they have higher rates of birth control. There may be a decrease in violent murder in atheist countries, but suicide rates are high. Rape may be low, but the red light district is active, along with homosexual communities.

    So you see, this is a matter of perspective really. What actually is sin? What effect does it have on society as a whole?

    You conclude that atheistic cultures, states or countries where secularism dictates the norms, are more peaceful and moralistic. Why this may be, if it truly is, I am not certain that lack of religious belief is the causation. As such, I thought I would look at those places, where atheism is highest, simply to see if this was entirely true or misleading.

    While crime and the murder rate may be low in China, the government is not opposed to forcing abortions and sterilizations on its female citizens. They are not especially noted for their interest in human rights as many Chinese work in subhuman environments for poor wages. Traveling in Nepal is one of the most dangerous things a person can do, as the roads are so bad the police may never get to you when you report that you have been robbed or attacked. Heroin is sold openly on the streets. In Vietnam, 40% of all pregnancies end in abortion, but being an atheistic state, the government is not necessarily opposed to this practice. In Japan, abortion is the birth control method of choice, where most women reject the pill for its side effects. The sex services in Vietnam and Thailand are enough to make your head spin---massage parlors, shemales, prostitutes, queer swimming pools, and on and on.

    Honestly, Miriam, I could go on and on in these atheist countries about the violence and moral decay. Are they peaceful? Sure. Why fight when you can get your heroin in the streets and your boy toy at the swimming pool? How are you going to murder someone when you can't even buy a gun? Or the stigma of being arrested is so bad that your family disowns you?

    I understand how atheists find this difficult or even impossible to hear. I honestly apologize if this causes you any distress. I truly am trying to help you. Your comments indicate that your atheism is fostering much delusion in you. Atheistic countries are hell-holes where abortion is rampant, homosexuality is celebrated, drugs are sold openly in the streets, and where suicide is just a matter of course. As religion decreases around the world, I hope you come to enjoy your neighborhood more.

    As for me, I pray for a restoration of the Catholic Church in civil society and the return of Our Lord and King to put an end to all this madness. It's not fear, Miriam, but hope.

    My very best wishes to you, Miriam.
